Doctors by Eezy

Find doctors easily with our service

Doctors by Eezy is a competent and experienced partner for the public and private sector. We have almost 20 years of experience in leasing doctors in Finland, so we understand the challenges of industry well. We work with a big heart and a positive attitude, and we are always within your reach.

Form our extensive network of doctors and student doctors, we can find you a doctor for a few days or even a couple of years if necessary. We are also happy to discuss any future needs confidentially, as we know that situations may change quickly.

We invest in both long-term employment relationships and long-term customer relationships. You will always be served by a familiar contact person who knows your individual needs and is able to adapt nimbly to any changes in your needs.

Contact us

Eemil Välimäki

Henkilöstökonsultti, Doctors by Eezy

050 347 5325
Ota yhteyttä

Essi Sundell

Henkilöstökonsultti, Doctors by Eezy

050 408 9438
Ota yhteyttä

Liinu Silvennoinen

Myyntipäällikkö, Doctors by Eezy

050 463 4597
Ota yhteyttä

Sara Virnes

HR-assistentti, Doctors by Eezy

050 409 3601
Ota yhteyttä

Vilja Osara

HR-assistentti, Doctors by Eezy

050 475 0068
Ota yhteyttä

Feedback survey results

(1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)


Working with Doctors by Eezy met my expectations


All communication has been smooth


I would also recommend Doctors by Eezy to my colleagues as a potential alternative

What they said about us

”Nice people. I will definitely come back once I have completed my “mandatory” specialisation period.” 

”Everything has gone incredibly smoothly and flexibly! I have also especially liked Doctors by Eezy’s cheerful and positive attitude and good communication.” 

”They answered my questions thoroughly and quickly. I have no complaints. At the beginning of an employment relationship, questions related to the employer/employment relationship often arise. For the future, I would recommend carrying out a survey on how one’s work has taken off after the first few weeks and whether they have any questions.” 

”It is really easy to stay in touch with the personnel and enter into an employment relationship. Thank you!” ” 

”I was well informed about everything and was contacted several times before the start of my work period. They also checked up on me after my work had already begun.” 

Eezys industries