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Shareholders have an obligation to notify both the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) and Eezy of changes in their holdings. Eezy has an obligation to publicly disclose the shareholder’s notification.

Under the provisions of the Securities Markets Act, changes in holdings must be disclosed when the holding reaches, exceeds or falls below 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 or 66.7 (2/3) per cent of the voting rights or the numbers of shares of the company.

Notifications of changes in holdings must be made without undue delay by email to liputus@eezy.fi

FSA’s contact information and the necessary form can be found from FSA’s web site (link below).

Please find more information on the Financial Supervisory Authority’s web page

Flagging notifications:

Change dateOwnerNotified change
11.3.2024OP Fund Management Company LtdExceeded 5%
12.1.2024Sentica Buyout V KyExceeded 25%
12.1.2024Paul SavolainenExceeded 5%
12.1.2024NoHo Partners PlcDecreased below 5%
14.12.2022Handelsbanken Fonder ABDecreased below 5%
5.1.2022Evli Bank PlcExceeded 5%
16.8.2021Handelsbanken Fonder ABExceeded 5%
10.8.2021NoHo Partners PlcDecreased below 25%
22.3.2021NoHo Partners PlcDecreased below 30%