Doctors by Eezy For doctors

Job opportunities for doctors in Finland

At Eezy, we help make doctors’ career dreams come true. We want to be your trusted partner at different stages of your career – whether you want to reduce your workload or gain experience in new tasks.


Are you looking to lease skilled doctors for short
or long-term employment? We assist companies in recruiting and placing doctors throughout Finland.

Your partner at different stages of working life

Finding work through Eezy is easy: tell us what kind of work you are looking for, and we will find the best options for you and give you concrete job offers. You can choose the ones you like the best.

Doctors by Eezy helps you find interesting tasks in various healthcare fields. We assist you in finding job opportunities that match your speciality or wishes. With our help, you can also expand your skills in new areas of healthcare. Depending on the job description, we also offer part-time and remote work opportunities.

Doctor jobs in different fields

Doctors by Eezy offers jobs across Finland. With our help, you can find interesting opportunities for jobs including:

  • General practitioners
  • Maternity clinic doctors
  • Dentists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Occupational health
  • Addiction medicine
  • Elderly care
  • Prison healthcare
  • Garrison doctors

Note: Finnish or Swedish language skills are required in almost every position.

We are happy to help you with any questions you may have before and during your employment. We will negotiate the details of your contract on your behalf and take care of any practical arrangements, such as accommodation and lease contracts.

We are the most experienced operator in our field and always within your reach.

Why Doctors by Eezy?

We assist doctors from various fields to find employment by bringing them together with recruiting parties, such as health centres, occupational healthcare, and private medical clinics. We help doctors find employment more easily and support them in various job search and employment-related matters.

”Everything has gone incredibly smoothly and flexibly! I have especially liked Doctors by Eezy’s cheerful and positive attitude and good communication.”

Doctors by Eezy allows doctors more flexible work periods. We are here to help if you want to explore new types of healthcare work all across Finland.

Professional practice rights

To be able to work in Finland as a doctor, you must apply for professional practice rights. Valvira grants professionals trained in Finland and abroad the right to work in social welfare and health care professions.

Read more

Extensive employment benefits for doctors

When you work with Doctors by Eezy, our friendly contact persons are always there to support you. We offer swift assistance with recruitment and employment-related matters. When you work with Doctors by Eezy, we provide recreation benefits, training money, comprehensive occupational health, and free training to support your professional skills.

”I was well informed about everything and was contacted several times before the start of my work period. They also checked up on me after my work had already begun.”

We also offer you individual support in finding suitable work periods and take care of accommodation if you decide to work further away. We support our doctors in dealing with work-life challenges and are here to help with any questions you may have.

Contact us

Essi Sundell

Henkilöstökonsultti, Doctors by Eezy

050 408 9438
Ota yhteyttä

Eemil Välimäki

Palvelupäällikkö, Doctors by Eezy

050 347 5325
Ota yhteyttä

Anni Kangasniemi

Asiakkuuspäällikkö, Doctors by Eezy

050 573 1643
Ota yhteyttä

Feedback survey results

(1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)


Working with Doctors by Eezy met my expectations


All communication has been smooth


I would also recommend Doctors by Eezy to my colleagues as a potential alternative

Feedback to Doctors by Eezy

”Nice people. I will definitely come back once I have completed my ‘mandatory’ specialisation period.” 

”Everything has gone incredibly smoothly and flexibly! I have also especially liked Doctors by Eezy’s cheerful and positive attitude and good communication.” 

”They answered my questions thoroughly and quickly. I have no complaints. At the beginning of an employment relationship, questions related to the employer/employment relationship often arise. For the future, I would recommend carrying out a survey on how one’s work has taken off after the first few weeks and whether they have any questions.” 

”It is really easy to stay in touch with the personnel and enter into an employment relationship. Thank you!” 

”I was well informed about everything and was contacted several times before the start of my work period. They also checked up on me after my work had already begun.” 

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