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Financial key figures

Key figures of Eezy

EUR thousand, unless otherwise specified20242023202220212020
Key figures for income statement
EBITDA margin, %5.9%6.6 %7.4%9.6%7.1%
EBIT margin, %1.3%1.8%4.0%5.8%2.9%
Earnings per share, basic, EUR-
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR-
Weighted average number of outstanding shares, pcs25,046,815 25,046,815 25,046,815 24,883,655 24,849,375
Weighted average number of outstanding shares, diluted, pcs25,225,236 25,277,37425,287,264 25,081,13424,997,332
Number of outstanding shares at the end of reporting period, pcs25,046,81525.046.81525,046,815 25,046,81524,849,375
Key figures for balance sheet
Net debt52 749 58 001
Net debt excluding IFRS1647 076 50 383
Net debt / EBITDA5,1 x 4,0 x
Gearing, %48,6 % 52,8 %
Equity ratio, %55,8 % 53,2 %
Equity per share, EUR4,34 4,39