Sustainability at Eezy

Building a more sustainable working life, for all

Eezy’s mission is to be a maker of good working life. Our vision is to make work a happy matter. Sustainability and being a responsible employer are an integral part of achieving these goals.

Our sustainability programme is divided into two main themes: Good Work for All and Prosperous Work Communities. Our goal is to build a more sustainable working life in Finland. We develop more inclusive work communities and diverse forms of work. We promote diversity, equality and equity not only in our organisation and its recruitment, but also by influencing our stakeholders.

As Finland’s most comprehensive expert on working life, we have a significant social impact, both with our own operations and through our client companies. Our CSRD compliant Sustainability Statement is published annually as part of our Financial Statements.

Our tax footprint was €105 million in 2024. We are also a major payer of pension contributions. We collaborate closely with trade unions, public administration and educational institutions.

Good Work for All

We offer opportunities for employment and career transitions for everyone – young people, the retired, immigrants, light entrepreneurs, gig workers and permanent staff. We help people find employment and prevent exclusion by providing employment services, e.g. for people who are hard to employ, career changers and immigrants. In 2024, we employed 22,000 people and tens of thousands of working hours were billed by our light entrepreneurs. Over 40% of our employment service users became employed or enrolled in education.

Prosperous Work Communities

We carry out thousands of organisational development projects and analyse 200 000 employee engagement survey responses each year. We also play an important role in the development of Finnish working life through our recruitment expertise. We want to lead the way in promoting diversity. We help our clients to create non-discriminatory and inclusive business cultures.

About our social impact in 2024




youths (< 30-year-olds)

> 100



employement service users

55 %

female employees

50 %

males in top management

We are committed to responsible behaviour

  • Our sustainability programme is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) and has been developed taking into account, for example, the UN Global Compact initiative, the principles of the of the ILO Declaration of Fundamental Rights at Work and the human rights defined by the UN plus other UN principles on business and human rights, including the UN Declaration on Human Rights, the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. In addition, we are committed to creating a discrimination-free zone, as defined by Finland’s Ministry of Justice.
  • We always act in accordance with our Code of Conduct. We also expect all our employees, customers, stakeholders and partners to act in accordance with the Code.
  • We recruit and employ responsibly and equally.
  • We protect the safety of our employees.
  • We use data and AI responsibly.
  • We take care of our environmental responsibility.
  • We comply with all applicable legislation and collective agreements in all our activities. We regularly monitor changes in legislation and adapt our operations accordingly.
  • Our CSRD compliant Sustainability Statement is published annually as part of our Financial Statements.

Our processes to support sustainable development

We regularly train our staff on topics such as compliance with our Code of Conduct and Safe Space Principles, responsible use of AI and data, data protection and security, and non-discriminatory recruitment processes. We ensure occupational safety and that all our employees receive the necessary training, either from us or from our client company.

We have a whistleblower directive compliant reporting channel in place for external and internal use. Our employees also have the possibility to report misconduct or suspected misbehaviour directly to a supervisor, a harassment liaison officer or senior management.

Eezy’s risk management is part of the Group’s operating model and therefore an integral part of the Group’s management
system. We carry out an ESRS compliant double materiality assessment annually, as part of our sustainability reporting process.

Highlights from our sustainability work

  • 100% of Eezy office staff completed the Code of Conduct digital course in 2024
  • We established a development forum for our customer’s occupational safety managers in 2024
  • Our policy for the responsible use of data and ai was defined in 2024
  • The Eezy policy for handling harassment and inappropriate conduct was refined in 2024
  • An internal investigation on salary structures and job descriptions in 2024 resulted in harmonised guidelines for supervisors
  • Occupational health services for staffed employees were improved in 2025
  • Work-in-progress: Eezy is committed to calculating the environmental impacts of its operations and value chain within its strategy period (2024 – 2028). We aim to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement for our own operations, despite the fact that environmental issues are not among double material issues to be reported under the ESRS.

Sustainability monitoring and reporting

  • Double materiality analysis and sustainability KPIs (reviewed annually)
  • CSRD compliant Sustainability Statement (annually with the Financial Statements)
  • Cross-functional steering group develops and evaluates implementation of sustainability work

Actively working for diversity, equality and inclusion

  • Supervisors were trained in non-discriminatory recruitment and uniform induction practices (2024)
  • Safe Space Principles were defined and trained as part of the Code of Ethics (2024)
  • DEI keynote series for staff is ongoing
  • Work-in-progress: revising our Equality and Diversity Plan
  • Work-in-progress: Code of Ethics and Safe Space Principles digital course implementation for staffed employees

A verifiably trustworthy partner

Our shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. We were among the first to report on our activities under the EU Sustainable Development Directive (CSRD) from 2024. Our Sustainability Statement is published annually as part of our Financial Statements.

As a listed company, our operations comply with EU and Finnish legislation, the rules of the Nasdaq Helsinki marketplace operated by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd and other applicable Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd rules, the guidelines and regulations of the Financial Supervisory Authority and other authorities, the Listed Companies Corporate Governance Code 2020, as well as the company’s Corporate Governance Principles, Insider Guidelines and the internal guidelines of our divisions (e.g. guidelines for the staffing services sector).

In line with our values, our operations must be based on knowledge and continuous improvement, so we also regularly examine Eezy itself, from the perspective of various stakeholders. According to the Reputation & Trust survey for decision-makers, Eezy’s strengths are in particular the positive perceptions associated with governance, i.e. doing things transparently and ethically (12/2023).

Work is a happy matter for our staff

Eezy’s vision is to make work a happy matter. Our values guide our everyday life: for us, the joy of work comes from working together with good intentions, always the proway, playing our peers better and taking 100% responsibility.

We regularly evaluate the employee experience of both our staffed employees and our office staff. In addition to employee engagement surveys, our staff’s well-being is measured by sickness absence rates. We also invest in preventive occupational healthcare.

Working at Eezy is rewarding and inspiring. The people you work with are like a second family, and the team spirit is second to none. My boss trusts my abilities and gives me the freedom to do my job the way I see fit. The work is interesting and provides constant opportunities to learn new things. I also appreciate the flexibility that allows me to balance work and private life seamlessly. The possibility to work remotely is particularly important as it allows me to work from anywhere. Our modern working equipment and comfortable office make for a pleasant working day. At Eezy, I feel part of something bigger and more meaningful, and that motivates me every day.

An employee story compiled by Azure AI, based on open responses (452) to Eezy’s 2024 PeoplePower survey

We scored higher than the industry in a survey by the Employement Industry Finland in questions related to job content expectations, job search and career development (05/2024). The survey also found that Eezy staffed employees are significantly more likely to recommend their employer, with 93% of those who work for us recommending temporary work, compared to an industry average of 89%.

In the Siqni employee perception survey conducted for our office staff, 88/100 stated that Eezy is “a working environment where I can be myself” (2023). In the PeoplePower® employee survey (2024), Eezy was perceived as a more accountable and non-discriminatory employer than the industry norm. To our delight, the majority of Eezy employees also felt that we encouraged them to do the right thing, and, 95% felt that it was clear to them what sustainability meant in their own daily work (2024 PeopleImpact).

I feel well doing my job
(staffed employees)
4,1 / 5Employement Industry Finland survey (2024)
Eezy employer image
(staffed employees)
4,1 / 5Employement Industry Finland survey (2024)
Employee satisfaction: PeoplePower® index (office staff)71,6PeoplePower® employee survey (2024). Industry norm: 71,1
Feeling of inclusiveness: no one is discriminated against in our unit (office staff)3,8PeoplePower® employee survey (2024). Industry norm: 3,7
Responsible behaviour is encouraged in our organisation (office staff)3,2PeoplePower® employee survey (2024). Industry norm: 3,1
For more information on the data in the table, see Eezy’s Sustainability Statement, published as part of its Financial Statements.

Eezy Safe Space Principles for all encounters

  • Respect each other’s personal physical and mental space. You can’t know someone’s limits without asking about them. Always ask before you touch someone, for example. Listen and change your behaviour if someone indicates to you that you are making them uncomfortable.
  • Respect everyone and don’t make assumptions. Do not make assumptions about anyone’s sexuality, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, values, socio-economic background, ability, or health. Respect pronouns and names. Be aware of your own privileges.
  • Give space and meet others with gentleness. Try to ensure that everyone can participate in discussions. Be mindful of being overpowering and give others the floor. Also respect everyone’s right to privacy and always handle sensitive topics with respect. Remember that you never know what the person you are talking to is going through or has experienced.
  • Respect others’ opinions, beliefs, experiences, and differing points of view. Do not mock, ridicule, belittle, push aside, or embarrass anyone with your words, behaviour or actions.
  • Are responsible for our own actions and behaviour. Be aware that your actions have an impact on other people, despite your good intentions.
  • Avoid body-shaming.Do not comment on another person’s body. Also, please refrain from comment- ing on other people’s food and eating.
  • Address harassment. If you ever witness harass- ment, always ask the victim if they want help or support. Do not remain a bystander.

These guidelines are based on content provided by Finland’s Ministry of Justice and were last reviewed on 18 April 2024.

Our environmental footprint

Eezy reports on its sustainability in accordance with the CSRD. Through the ESRS double materiality assessment, it has been found that Eezy’s environmental footprint is relatively small and environmental issues do not appear among the double material reportable issues.

Due to the nature of Eezy’s operations, its own energy and material consumption is low and waste generation is low. Most of the greenhouse gas emissions from Eezy’s activities come from value chain emissions – in practice, from employees’ commuting. Even for this category, the impacts are estimated to be relatively small, as only about 30% of Eezy’s employees have a car and about half of the employees working at Eezy in 2023 live in Finland’s largest cities (Helsinki, Tampere, Turku), where public transport is readily available and the expected usage rate is high.

However, Eezy is committed to studying the climate and environmental impacts of its operations and value chain in its strategy period extending to 2028. We aim to meet the climate targets of the Paris Climate Agreement for our own operations.

In addition, we are already taking steps to reduce the climate and environmental impacts of our own operations. For example, we have extensive recycling facilities in our offices and encourage our staff to use public transport and to meet remotely. We also offer a commuter cycling benefit for our office employees. As a company operating only in Finland, also other work-related trips of our employees are mainly domestic and we encourages our employees to make them primarily by train. If there is a compelling reason for choosing air travel, an emissions compensation is always chosen.

Eezy Code of conduct

Our Code of conduct guides us in building an equal and inclusive working life.

In addition to training all our current staff, the materials are part of the induction package for new employees, including staffed workers.

100 %

of Eezy office staff have completed a verified digital course on the Code of conduct in 2024.

You can scroll for key info here below or download the full document as a pdf file here.

An equal working life with respect for human rights

We promote an equal, equal and inclusive working life. We treat all people equally and provide equal opportunities in employment, regardless of an individual’s appearance, ethnic group, origin, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation and expression, age, disability, marital or family status or any characteristic defined by law or regulation. We do not tolerate harassment, discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour. We also expect all our employees, customers, stakeholders and partners to act in accordance with this Code of conduct.

We respect and promote human rights in everything we do. We do not condone the use of child labour, forced labour or the unjustified or illegal withholding of salaries. A child under the age of 15 is considered to be a child, and a child above this age is also considered to be a minor where so defined by local law. We recognise that employees under the age of 18 have special needs and we take these into account in our operations. 

We do not condone actions that restrict the free movement of workers. Such measures include the employer taking possession of identity papers, passports or work permits as a condition of the employment relationship. We do not condone human trafficking, modern slavery, forced labour or any other form of human exploitation. Through our own measures, we ensure that our domestic and international partners are reliable. We conduct a separate audit of our foreign partners’ backgrounds and compliance with international human rights conventions before we start working with them. 

We ensure that our labour import processes are reliable and appropriate. Our internal processes should be aimed at helping and supporting the integration, training and working of employees who have come to Finland through us. 

At our request, our customers, partners and stakeholders must explain how they monitor human rights in their own operations and supply chain. Any violations must be addressed, and corrective action must be initiated without delay in a jointly agreed upon manner. If corrective action is not taken within the agreed upon time frame, we will terminate the cooperation immediately. 

Safe working environment

The working environment must be safe, promoting occupational safety and health and the well-being of people. We operate in accordance with current occupational safety and health legislation. We continuously improve the safety of the people working for us or for our customers. Together with our customers, we ensure that our employees have received both the task-specific work equipment and adequate occupational safety and health training for the work tasks and the working environment. 

We ensure that our client companies understand their own occupational safety responsibilities towards our employees. 

Responsible use of AI and technology

We use technology, artificial intelligence and data responsibly. We use and develop technology and artificial intelligence to promote a good, equal, diverse and inclusive working life.  

We are open about the use of AI – we ensure that the users of our services have the opportunity to understand what the algorithms do and what data they use.  We also openly communicate it when we use AI in our services.  Solutions using artificial intelligence are carefully tested and piloted with a limited target group before they are put to use in production. The data used to train the system is known in order to identify and correct data biases.  The AI operates under human supervision. The AI assists with recruitment, but the decisions are always made by a person.  The aim is to make AI-assisted solutions widely and equally available to our employees in order to make their work more efficient. For our full data and ai policy, click here.

Data protection

For Eezy, data protection issues are an extremely important part of our good governance and accountability work. Eezy has a data protection and security organisation based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has operational processes in place to ensure appropriate data protection and security. Data protection training is part of our induction programme and we regularly train our employees on data protection practices.

Personal data and privacy

We ensure that the processing of personal data, i.e. its collection, registration, comparison, storage and disposal, is carried out in accordance with the legislation and official regulations. We respect everyone’s right to privacy.  We protect the personal data of Eezy employees, job applicants, light entrepreneurs, partners and other stakeholders who are in our systems. We ensure that the personal data is only processed, accessed and used by persons who require the personal data in order to perform their tasks. We ensure that the persons who process the personal data take appropriate precautions to protect the data. We plan the processing of personal data in advance. We only collect information in our personal data registers that is necessary for the purpose of use. We ensure that personal data is not stored for longer than is necessary in order to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. 

We train our own personnel in the lawful use of personal data, so that the collection, use, retention and rights of data subjects can be exercised as required by legislation and during the recruitment process and employment or customer relationship.  In the event of a data breach, we shall investigate the breach immediately and notify the data subjects and the Data Protection Ombudsman of the breach without delay as required by legislation.  

For Eezy Plc data privacy statements visit here.

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption

We do not accept, offer or request hospitality or gifts that may influence our own or our partners’ decision-making or give the impression of such an attempt to influence. We do not condone or allow bribery or corruption in any form. 

Any hospitality or gifts given or received must be appropriate. The hospitality or gift must always have a valid business reason and be of a very modest value. Hospitality or gifts must never be in violation of legislation, internal guidelines of the recipient’s employer or generally accepted industry practices. Hospitality or gifts given must not be offensive or immoral. Hospitality or gifts must not put the recipient in a debt of gratitude nor create an impression to that effect. Particular attention and caution must be paid to situations involving the preparation of a business decision or the performance of a monitoring or auditing task, for example. 

We do not make donations to political organisations.   

We expect our customers, partners and stakeholders to comply with the same anti-corruption and anti-bribery regulations and procedures as we do ourselves.

Compliance with competition law

In all our operations, we comply with competition law, regulations issued by the authorities and our own internal guidelines. Under no circumstances do we condone unlawful restrictions on competition, such as price or cartel agreements, unlawful exchanges of information about competitors or abuse of a dominant market position. 

We will immediately take the necessary steps to correct the matter and, if necessary, contact the competition authorities if we become aware of any prohibited restriction of competition. 

We expect our customers, partners and stakeholders to comply with the same laws and procedures regarding restriction of competition as we do ourselves. We also obligate these parties to inform us, on their own initiative and without delay, if they or their background parties are suspected or deemed to have participated in any prohibited restriction of competition. 

Conflicts of interest

All decisions and measures concerning our operations must be made in the best interest of Eezy. We do not condone situations where the decisions made are, or could be, contrary to the interest of Eezy. We always act with integrity and fairness. We have drawn up separate guidelines for related-party situations. 

Our employees must not let their personal interest affect their decision-making. Accordingly, the person may not participate in situations that could result in a conflict of interest or a conflict appearing as such between the employee and Eezy. Any situations with a conflict of interest must be reported without delay either via the whistleblowing channel or in accordance with Eezy’s related-party guidelines. 

Guaranteeing freedom of association

We respect the legal right of our employees to set up and join trade unions. We do not discriminate against anyone on this basis. We maintain good relations with labour organisations, trade unions and employee representatives. We encourage active dialogue with our employees so that we can respect their rights. 

We expect our customers, partners and stakeholders to promote these principles in their own operations. 

Sanctions and money laundering

In our operations, we comply with the valid sanctions legislation. We do not carry out business directly or indirectly with any sanctioned person or any other sanctioned operator. In addition, we do not do business directly or indirectly with any sanctioned state or region. We will immediately cease any cooperation with any entity that is already subject to sanctions at the start of the cooperation. 

We exercise due diligence in identifying the backgrounds of our customers, partners, stakeholders and their owners as well as their potential inclusion under applicable sanctions, before we conduct business or start cooperation with them. 

In all our business operations, we only cooperate with reputable and legally financed customers, partners and stakeholders. We exercise due diligence when selecting customers, partners and stakeholders. 

We shall make our best effort to clarify the backgrounds of our customers, partners, stakeholders and their owners before we start cooperation with them.  

We shall notify the competent authorities of any reasonable suspicion of money laundering as required by the relevant legislation. 

We expect our customers, partners and stakeholders to comply with the same sanctions and money laundering regulations and procedures as we do ourselves. We also obligate these parties to inform us on their own initiative and immediately if they or their background parties are subject to any valid sanctions regulations. 

Confidential business information

We do not condone the abuse of business secrets or other confidential information, such as business information, competence or intellectual property rights. We take due diligence to prevent the abuse and disclosure of business secrets and other confidential information. 

We enter into appropriate confidentiality agreements with our own employees, customers, partners and stakeholders to safeguard the business secrets of Eezy and its customers, partners and stakeholders. 

We train our employees to ensure that they have the necessary understanding and competence to lawfully handle business secrets. 

We expect our customers, partners and stakeholders to take similar measures and enter into agreements with their own partners to safeguard Eezy’s trade secrets and confidential information. 

Use of insider information

We comply with all applicable laws, regulations and our internal instructions when handling or trading in Eezy’s shares and other financial instruments. When trading in financial instruments, no person from Eezy may exploit insider information about Eezy or other companies. 

We train our personnel who may have access to insider information in order to prevent the accidental or intentional misuse of insider information. We maintain a list of persons who may have access to insider information and a list of management and related parties in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation. 

Eezy’s CEO, CFO and group communications shall, in accordance with the currently valid law and Eezy’s internal policies and instructions, communicate matters that may affect the value of the company’s shares. Other persons are prohibited from divulging these matters.

Monitoring of compliance

Eezy monitors that its employees, stakeholders and partners conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct. The monitoring is carried out by way of the company’s internal audit and whistleblowing channel.  

Additionally, Eezy may request investigations from its stakeholders and partners if it suspects conduct that violates this Code of Conduct. On a case-by-case basis, Eezy may also decide to audit the operations of a stakeholder or partner. 

Any violation of the Eezy Code of Conduct for employees will be handled in accordance with Eezy’s internal guidelines. Depending on the severity of the situation, non-compliance with the Code of Conduct may lead to various labour law consequences and even termination of the employment relationship by dismissal or termination. 

Any suspected violation of the Eezy Code of Conduct by a stakeholder or business partner shall be investigated with the party in question. If it is found that a stakeholder or partner has acted in violation of this Code of Conduct, they must correct their actions as agreed upon with Eezy. 

Eezy shall terminate its cooperation with a stakeholder or business partner who: 

  • Fails to follow a commonly agreed upon procedure to stop conduct that violates the Code of Conduct; 
  • Repeatedly violates the Eezy Code of Conduct; 
  • Has deliberately violated the Code of Conduct; and 
  • Has deliberately concealed or attempted to conceal conduct that is in violation of the Code of Conduct. 

Reporting misconduct

We encourage all our employees and partners to act in an open, honest manner and in accordance with this Code of Conduct. In line with this, we encourage everyone to report suspected misconduct either to their supervisor or to someone else who is responsible for investigating the matter according to Eezy’s instructions. If necessary, suspected misconduct can be reported anonymously via Eezy’s whistleblowing service, which can be found on Eezy’s website and intranet. All reports received through the whistleblowing channel will be processed in accordance with Eezy’s whistleblowing policy. 

We do not allow any direct or indirect negative consequences for a person who reports suspected misconduct. We will take immediate action if this occurs.