Maker of a
good working life

Long live life and work

Eezy’s mission is to be a maker of good work life. Finland’s broadest work life expert house, Eezy serves its clients in staffing, corporate culture design and leadership development, recruitment, employment services, light entrepreneurship, and personnel surveys. We know the pulse of Finnish work life because we employ tens of thousands of people every year, conduct thousands of organisational development projects and analyse 200,000 employee survey responses. Eezy is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Our CSRD compliant sustainability statement is released annually with our financial statements.

Eezy – long live life and work.

Open application

Job seeking is eezy – fill in an open application and we will contact you.


Допомога українцям у Фінляндії

Війна в Україні торкнулася всіх нас. Ми хочемо взяти на себе відповідальність і допомогти всім українцям, які потребують допомоги, надавши в їхнє розпорядження весь наш досвід та мережі.

Допомога українцям у Фінляндії

Your new job is waiting for you in Finland

If you are interested in working in Finland, but not yet living in here, you came to the right place! Eezy has many open positions and opportunities in various industries.

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Good work, in a way that suits you