Sustainability at Eezy

Eezy is an innovator of sustainable working life

Social responsibility and sustainability is part of our daily work. We prevent social exclusion by organizing employment training, summer jobs for young people and integration for foreigners, among other things. We examine the needs of working life and help our customers reform and create growth to Finland. We take care of the well-being at work, occupational safety, equality, and non-discrimination of our personnel.

Social and personnel-related sustainability

Eezy’s mission is to help employers and employees succeed in the ever-changing work life. Eezy works actively together with Employment and Economic Development Offices and various employment promotion projects. Eezy provides advice and training to immigrants on questions concerning working life, offers integration services and is a significant employer of young people. Eezy plays an important role in preventing social exclusion. Eezy engages in cooperation with trade unions, the public sector, and educational institutions. We pay our taxes in Finland.

In all of its operations, Eezy observes collective agreements and applicable legislation. We follow our equality and non-discrimination plan, in which the focus is on ensuring equality in recruitment, career development and remuneration, reconciling work and family life and preventing direct and indirect discrimination.

Eezy’s business, growth and success are based on highly competent personnel, taking both the Group’s direct personnel and staffed employees into consideration. The central themes of Eezy’s HR policy are well-being at work, occupational safety, equality, and non-discrimination. Eezy trains and coaches its employees to facilitate their professional development. Along with the continuous development of personnel skills, we promote well-being at work. We offer the opportunity to exercise during working hours.

We take care of the occupational safety of both our in-house employees and staffed employees in cooperation with our customers. Eezy has an active occupational health and safety committee that is responsible for occupational safety and works together with customer companies to develop occupational safety. Occupational accident monitoring is carried out together with the occupational health care provider on the basis of accident statistics with the aim of improving occupational safety.

The well-being at work of Eezy employees is measured by regular job satisfaction surveys and by monitoring sickness absence rates.

Surveys reveal high commitment of our personnel

We regularly study the strengths, development areas and work culture of our organization with the PeoplePower® personnel survey. Our response rate is excellent, approximately 90%. The level of dedication of Eezy’s personnel is clearly higher than that of the average Finnish employee-intensive organisation. The commitment index was the strongest compared to the external standard.

Respect for human rights and the prevention of corruption and bribery

Eezy respects and observes human rights. Employees and jobseekers are not discriminated against on any grounds. With regard to foreign labour, Eezy confirms that foreign workers have the right to work and supports the prevention of trafficking in human beings. Eezy does not tolerate any form of harassment or workplace bullying.

Eezy is committed to preventing all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery. No favors, gifts or benefits are offered or received that could reasonably be expected to influence decision-making within the company.

Eezy uses a Whistleblowing channel to facilitate the external and internal reporting of suspected misconduct in accordance with the EU’s Whistleblower Directive. The personnel have the opportunity to report violations and suspected misconduct through a separate Whistleblowing channel or by reporting such incidents to their supervisor or the company’s senior management. Read more about Whistleblowing channel.

Data protection and data security at Eezy

For Eezy, data protection is an extremely important part of good governance and our responsibility work. Eezy has established a data protection and data security organisation based on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the company has operating processes in place to ensure appropriate data protection and data security. Data protection training is part of our orientation programme and we regularly train our employees on data protection practices.

Our climate and environmental footprint

The direct environmental impact of Eezy’s services is estimated to be low due to the nature of the company’s business operations.

In its internal operations, Eezy has a strong focus on the themes of sustainable development by means of harmonised recycling policies and by placing emphasis on eco-friendly choices in the company’s policies concerning work-related travel, for example. In addition to Eezy’s own employees, environmental and climate impacts arise from leased employees’ commuting.